/:/ispectacular diffusion always!/:/


from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly arou







nd pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer  from coSmanz/ cosmanz fight in the starz !!/ cosmanz fly around pasta killer 


°|||||°°|||o||||0||||O|H-yperformance.|!NK :




X-film production saysz:

°Bay routh /// 8 06 1999 //" Le premier burne-film. Un concentré de 14 minutes de réflexions autour du travail et de la proposition même du média x-film. C'est un film KIPARENKOUIl a 100%. Alors attention aux yeux"

°transformation /// 10 05 2000// L'un des chanteurs du Romanian fracassniev et célèbre membre du dans une de ses crises transformative active, un film terrifiant, étonnant, un document rare réalisé par Veltapo Mantella, un jeune cinéaste suédois.

°Hunt /// 31 05 1999 // Réalisé au hangar 17 ou 18 je sais plus sur les quais de bordeaux, premier des fun-films avec paul julien et anne sophie qu'est pas au générique. Bisous a tous les trois . Je vous aime, on aura un oscar.


noRom coSmix_

labelle_______  ______________________________________

session title  /////      T-mixer/cosman

boardMix (Paold)
Shower (Paold)
Duff?/afterdub (CP Mourou Farmer T)
nono_no? (CP Mourou Farmer T)
dArk (CP Mourou Farmer T)







T-mixer .. Cosmanz  let' s play !

!__________   __

________ _______


 drilled ingredient from infoderm

anime  : dawalist

sound  : dawalist


